Breaking the streak

I guess I should break my streak on WordPress as my brother is coming over today.

On Friday I will probably work with my Badger airbrush which has been long overdue.

I have hand painted the Corsair with the same color as Dufilho’s Wildcat. I will take a photo tomorrow.

I have worked on the Corsair canopy again to scrape away the excess paint seen before. 


I will take a photo tomorrow when I will start a new streak on WordPress.

Until then…

Hard to resist… Yellow nose and orange tail

The temptation was there to use my Badger 350 airbrush once again for the nose and a paint brush for the tail. First I used the airbrush to paint the nose and the tail yellow.

I then mixed the yellow paint with some orange paint and I used a paint brush for the tail.

I then sent an email to Joe Palladino with those photos.

I think I should calm down a little and wait for this…

Hard to wait… for my 1/4 oz cup

I know it will be much easier to work with my airbrush using this.

I have seen lots of videos.

I had tested my Badger 350 airbrush before when I put a black primer coat. The results were very good, but I then added a coat of silver with a paint brush with mixed results.

This morning I have received my braided airbrush hose from Amazon. I decided to test my airbrush again over my Monogram P-47 D even if my 1/4 oz cup had not arrived. 

I used the jar adapter.





It worked fine enough.

I am still thinking if I should paint different shades of silver, but I am not there yet. Sometimes you need to step back a little and let the experience sink in.

Next step I will be painting the yellow and red nose, and the orange tail.


How to use the proper acrylic paint thinner…?

I wish I knew.

Going on the Internet and on YouTube since yesterday, everyone seems to have the right solution.

Windshield washer, Windex, Future, homemade thinner, etc.






What I know is that I will have to experiment since I have lots of different acrylic paints and the last thing I want is to clog my airbrush and put it in its box for the next 30 years.

I still have a jar of my precious Tamiya paint thinner which worked fine the last time, but someone is selling it on Amazon for 57$.

This is not an option. Since I bought some items for my airbrush yesterday, I have time to ponder over this before finding the right solution.