Final answer – P-47 D?

My tribute to Ed Poscavage

Ed Poscavage’s story had to be told. This is why Joe Palladino wrote it, and then shared it with me. How Joe and I met is through a comment he made on my blog Our Ancestors. His wife and I were related.

Genealogy is another of my passion.

There is no information about how Ed Poscavage’s P-47 D looked like. It might have been a P-47 M. I have no way to tell.

I decided to paint it using this photo which I colorized.

Ed Poscavage joined the Air Force in July 1944 according to his RCAF discharge papers. I have no further information about his transition from a Hawker Hurricane and the P-47 D, and when he was posted with 366 Fighter Squadron which sported orange tails!

P-47 M

P-47 M